Day School Scholarships & Interest-Free Loans

Day School Scholarships & Interest-Free Loans

Day School Scholarship Applications for the 2023/24 School Year
Day School Scholarship applications for the 2023/24 school year are now open, including applications for Tuition Assistance and the Generations Trust Scholarship. Day School Scholarships are offered for students in JK-Grade 12 and are awarded in the form of reduced tuition fees, based on each family’s financial situation.

The due date for tuition support applications is February 19, 2024


Visit WWW.DAYSCHOOLSCHOLARSHIPS.CA to learn more about eligibility and the application process, or to use UJA’s quick and anonymous scholarship calculator.

Day School Scholarships are made possible through a partnership between UJA-funded day schools and UJA’s Julia & Henry Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Education. If you have any questions about Tuition Assistance, please contact Ossy Goldenberg, Enrolment Manager by email or phone at 416-494-7666 Ext 300.
Interest-Free Loans for Day School Families 
With interest rates going up, UJA and its partner Jewish Free Loan Toronto (JFLT) are offering special interest-free Jewish School Loans of up to $12,000 per family to assist with tuition costs for parents with children enrolled in Jewish schools in Ontario, from kindergarten to Grade 12. You can learn more about Jewish School Loans from JFLT at

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